Hypnosis downloads for fears & phobias
Fears and phobias can be extremely debilitating. If you're curious about whether hypnosis can help you may wish to start with one of Kate's hypnosis downloads. Depending on the nature of your fear/phobia listening to a download may help you feel calmer in the first instance. It is then advisable to book in with Kate if you are still experiencing symptoms as face-to-face work may be necessary.
Obviously there are many more fears and phobias than downloads available here so if you are experiencing something else please get in touch: info@harbourhypnotherapy.co.uk
Fear of heights/acrophobia is actually one of the most common fears. It is a natural instinct to be wary of heights but when it gets in the way of living a normal life its time to take action...
This hypnosis session has been created in collaboration with experienced airline pilots to help you overcome your fear of flying…
Fear of spiders can be frustrating. You know logically that most spiders can't hurt you but you are overcome with fear when you see one…
Agoraphobia is typically defined as a fear of being in situations where escape may be difficult or help wouldn’t be available if things went wrong...
Do you feel anxious in confined spaces? Do you feel trapped and unable to escape? If so the likelihood is you are experiencing claustrophobia...
Dental phobia is one of the most common fears and can cause huge anxiety for those who have it...
Social phobia can be extremely isolating and frustrating for those that experience it. Socialising should be one of life's great pleasures but for some it provokes extreme fear and anxiety ...
This hypnosis download is specifically designed for people who have a fear of driving on busy roads. Oftentimes this fear is actually what we call a “fear of the fear” where you are most afraid of feeling the sensation of panic whilst driving. This recording concentrates on helping you reduce that fear so that you can drive safely with confidence. Whether you have a fear around a certain road or whether it extends to busy dual carriageways or motorways and tunnels this recording can help.
Speaking in public is one of the most common fears. Fortunately help is at hand. Hypnosis can help you overcome nerves and present with a new found confidence…